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Same Day Delivery

What is same day delivery?

Same day delivery is a service that ensures your package is delivered on the same day it is ordered, provided the order is placed before cut-off time.

How do I select same day delivery?

Before you checkout online, simply select the Same Day Delivery option based on your zone. We will deliver within a 30 km radius of our warehouse in 16 Sierra, Puchong.

This service runs from March 3 and will last until March 24, 2025 (Mon - Fri only). Please ensure you select the correct zone for accurate and timely delivery of your order.

Kindly note that orders will be fulfilled and delivered 4 pm onwards, and any order placed on weekends or after 12 pm will be processed the following working day.

Is there any additional cost for same day delivery?

The service comes with a small delivery rate to cover the cost of expedited shipping and handling.

Zone 1: Delivery charge of RM20
Zone 2: Delivery charge of RM30

How do I track my order?

Once your order is ready to be delivered, you will receive a phone call from the service courier via the same phone number on your order.

Can I change or cancel my same day delivery order?

We are sorry. Once your order has been processed for same day delivery, changes or cancellations may not be possible.

What if I have more questions about my order?

If you have any additional questions or concerns about our same day delivery service, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Happiness Service for assistance at or +60358822441. We’re here to help!
