Shoe Care Tips
Dry is essential
Remember the silica gel you used to get for free after purchasing shoes? Please don’t throw it away. It works as a bacteria shield and keeps your shoes dry.
All trees are essential!
Always insert the shoe tree inside your shoes to maintain their shape, which will help prevent the leather from cracking up.
The shoe care kit is saviour
Let your shoes look brand new by frequently polishing and renewing them. Make it shine back.
Store shoes are dust-free place
Maintaining the original color of your shoes helps keep them from seeming worn out or old, protecting your favourite pair. Please keep them in a clean, well-ventilated area free.
Hot shoes don’t need sun exposure.
Keep your shoes away from any direct sunlight or critical heat. This is crucial since the heat will precipitate dry rot and result in cracking glue utilized inside your shoes.
Wipe, don’t shower!
Shoe wipes are vital. Remember to avoid your shoes from any moisture and heat. Thus, by cleaning them, you can just wipe them. This will also prevent the shoe materials from being damaged.